With only two days to go before the Geek Dinner with Scoble in Cork you suddenly realize that you don't really know much about some of the other attendees. "Hi there, I'm So & So and I write the So & So blog". "Oh, hi, er... yes.... ahum.... that's a great blog you got there...... [cough]..... [awkward silence]..... cold day today wasn't it....."
What do you do to avoid the embarrasment? You click your way down through the following hierachy of the Open Irish Directory: Computers & Communications -> Industry Events & Exhibitions -> IT@Cork Conference 2005 and click on the link for Scoble Geek Dinner. That takes you to the OPML file of RSS feeds corresponding to attendees as listed on the HughPage (thanks Hugh!).
You could import that OPML feed into your RSS aggregator of choice and suck up all recent blogging output from each geek or you could just hit the directory with Taskable which, being an RSS reader as well as an OPML browser, allows you to scan the RSS headings without importig or subscribing. A perfect substitute to subscription for transitory feed groupings (ie. for Robert). I'd recommend a permanent subscription for Irish tech bloggers.
Fantastic idea James, I've started reading already. :)
Posted by: Mark | November 28, 2005 at 03:22 PM
Cheers Mark, glad you're finding it useful. See at the dinner!
Posted by: James Corbett | November 29, 2005 at 07:32 AM