Des Corbett raises an interesting question -
Been looking about to see if any startups are hiring but can't find where or if they advertise. Would love to get involved in a startup/side business but don't know under which rock to look.
Does anyone know if there is some central location where Irish startups advertise? I'm sure there's a niche here for people like Des who perhaps crave the energy of a startup situation. If you're a startup who is hiring please email me or reply here and I'll add you to a new node in the Open Irish Directory.
Who is this Des ?
Posted by: Alan O'Rourke | January 06, 2006 at 05:20 PM
This is a great idea. However, you might check through your "linked-In" network. Some of the US VC blogs have started to say that they are looking for experienced start up talent, it can only a matter of time before the network of inter related Irish blogs do the same.
So, if any one knows good services salespeople, VoiceSage might be interested in hearing from you over the next 3 months.
Posted by: Paul Sweeney | January 06, 2006 at 05:51 PM
I'm a Java dev working in a financial software company in the centre of Dublin, have been trying to come up with something myself for a while now but haven't had that flash of inspiration. Would particularly love to do a side business (just got a nice big hefty mortgage and need the Man to help pay the bills).
Bit of a bio:
Usual degree lark in Limerick
3yrs in US working for large financial company
- worked on trading internet site (J2EE xml etc)
- work in R&D arm doing webservices and web front-end stuff (XUL, Flex, AJAX forerunners and the like)
- did a bit of work with their venture arm reviewing software products and working with start-ups
3yrs here in Dublin towing the corporate line
- mostly just standard J2EE stuff
- have some sales presentation exp and have worked in both financial services and software product companies
PS if my current company recognises me: Hi! - notice I said side business :)
thanks - if anyones interested pls get in touch
Posted by: Des Corbett | January 06, 2006 at 06:05 PM
Ah :)
Currently advertising for a senior web designer :)
I think the regular job sites are the best options James and Des. I got a great response from when I advertised for a PHP developer.
Posted by: Alan O'Rourke | January 06, 2006 at 06:17 PM
Er, no relation of mine Alan. Corbett isn't *that* strange a name 'round these parts :)
Then again.... do you happen to have any relations in west Limerick Des?
I know the main jobs websites are probably best alright Alan but I still think it would be useful to have a listing of startups only for people like Des.
Posted by: James Corbett | January 06, 2006 at 07:46 PM
This is actually a two-way problem. We are a small start-up in Cork and needed staff early in 2005. We advertised on (approx €200) and got a small set of totally unsuitable CVs. We then advertised in the Irish Examiner (about €800) and got a few reasonable CVs but nothing we ended up using.
This may be a reflection of almost total employment of people in our technical area in Cork but we were deeply disappointed with the response.
We could not afford to be doing this on a regular basis and so just have a permanent "send in your CV" page on our web-site. We are not actively looking for people right now but if the perfect candidate appeared then we would consider trying to find aslot for them.
So I think the ideal for small companies like ourselves is a simple free aggregation system (such as the OID suggestion). A bit of Monster/IrishJobs/RecruitIreland dis-intermediation?
Posted by: Conor O'Neill | January 06, 2006 at 10:02 PM
Des - if you're still looking for that "flash of inspiration", I think you may have uncovered an unexploited business opportunity for a service people want here...
Posted by: Emmet Connolly | January 07, 2006 at 11:16 PM