I find it rather a paradox that as I read more and more blogs I get fewer and fewer Eureka! moments. Maybe that's because blogging is a conversation and not a lecture and perhaps that's as it should be. But it makes it all the more rewarding to come across the odd gem that crystalizes a number of different discombobulated ideas. For example, take this post by Joshua Porter -
What makes them [Google, Yahoo, Amazon and eBay] so special? What have they done that others haven’t? And I find myself coming back to the same answer over and over: they know how to leverage the network. From Google’s pagerank algorithm to the APIs of eBay and Amazon to the movie ratings on Yahoo, these companies know how to harness the collective activity and intelligence of people to make their services better.And now absorb the wisdoms in Josh's bullet points. I've probably read similar ideas before but it makes a completely different impact when someone puts it all together. And information becomes knowledge.
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