Was Dermod hinting at his new business idea when he launched a social bookmarking service for Astrology enthusiasts? He's done this using open-source scuttle and its very impressive. I used Ning's service for the Open Irish Directory but scuttle seems a little stronger with related tags, popular tags and proper tag concatenation.
The question is, how niche can we go with social bookmarking? Until recently I would have worried that the Open Irish Directory was too niche but with the proliferation of new meta-bookmarking services like Socializer, OnlyWire and ListMixer I'm not sure it will be an issue going forward. Of course, what we really need is for our blog editing sofware (I use Performancing) to ping all the bookmarking services at once. And I'm sure they will.
Technorati Tags: social bookmarking
No, James, it's not a hint about the main business! It's just something I thought I'd try out, to get the feel of scuttle. Version 0.7.1 now, and I'm sure it's going to get better.
Posted by: Dermod Moore | March 28, 2006 at 01:33 PM