Well, its new to me anyway eventhough The Persuaders is Ireland's longest running business radio show and celebrates its sixth birthday this May. Apparently its broadcast weekly on Dublin City 's Anna Livia FM 103.2 but this culchie never even realized that the Floozy in the Jacuzzi had given her name to a radio station.
Anyway The Persuaders...
... addresses topical issues from the world of marketing, advertising and public relations. Each show featured interviews with top Irish and international experts, and offers an independent perspective from presenter Alex Gibson, who is a senior lecturer in marketing at the Dublin Institute of Technology. You can sign up to receive weekly programme notification from the show's weblog.
Liam Burke has already added the feed to the Open Irish Directory so you can audio graze it in the sidebar here under -
Open Irish Directory -> News & Media -> Podcasting - The Persuaders
Isn't that a handy way of sampling a new show! I'll take in a few episodes before I offer a review.
Audio grazing - didn't realize you could do that. Now that is cool.
Posted by: John McClean | April 20, 2006 at 02:05 PM
Culchie or not, you now have no excuse to miss The Persuaders or any of the other business related shows on Dublin City Anna Livia FM as it is now streamed over the internet on http://www.dublincityannaliviafm.com
Thanks for the mention for The Persuaders. Listeners can subscribe directly from i-tunes or the Podcast hoster at http://www.thepersuaders.libsyn.com
Posted by: Alex Gibson | April 23, 2006 at 10:16 AM