Did you know that Boston has been labelled RSS Alley? That, and the fact that my sister had a wondeful time there a few weeks ago means I'm seriously hoping to attend OPML Camp in May.
OPML Camp is a free event based on the unconference format made popular by BloggerConBarCamp. Participants will discuss the current tools and applications for OPML, and construct wish lists for future features with the authors of many of the popular OPML products. There will be tutorials for those who are new to OPML, and advanced sessions on programming techniques for OPML in languages such as Python and PHP. As the use of OPML moves beyond a simple container for RSS feeds, it has begun to overlap with other methods of managing structured data on the Web, such as Microformats and the Semantic Web. Camp participants will explore extensions to the OPML standard that will allow the incorporation of features from these related Web technologies.
Sounds terrific and It would be a great opportunity to meet up with people like Adam Green, Anne Zelenka, Bela Labovitch, Brian Del Vecchio and Joshua Porter.
If time permits I'll be making the trip. Anyone else going along? You can register here.
I'm hoping to be there. Now, let's just hope some nutter runs up to me on the train tommorow and throws a bundle of cash at me for no reason at all...
Seriously, I hope to be there, as long as someone can lend me a sofa for three nights. Or something.
Posted by: Tom Morris | April 04, 2006 at 07:38 PM
Hope to meet you there Tom, if time allows me to make the trip. Oh, and spare a sofa for me too please ;-)
Posted by: James Corbett | April 05, 2006 at 02:33 PM