Adam has details of our first group of private label partners at Grazr, including Feedburner, Talkdigger and Zimbio. For example here's a grazr for Zimbio's Ireland portal. It's only a few clicks away from being on your blog :-)
Technorati Tags: feedburner, zimbio, talkdigger, grazr
I like it.... trying it with my feed on, fits in nicely into the sidebar, good options to customise the size of it.
Must sore out an opml output for all my blogs/feeds at this stage :)
Posted by: Ken McGuire | October 20, 2006 at 03:03 PM
Great Ken, thanks for trying it out. Yes an OPML file for your feeds would be very useful! I subscribed to your new mobile blog a few days ago - it's excellent stuff!
Posted by: James Corbett | October 20, 2006 at 03:08 PM
Why thank ya, glad you like it! Must get around to sorting out the OPML file as well as updating my irish film node... :)
Posted by: Ken McGuire | October 20, 2006 at 03:35 PM
excellent news James :-) I can now see where Grazr is going.
Now - how can adsense fit in ;-)
Posted by: Robin | October 20, 2006 at 03:40 PM
Thanks Robin, doth the cookie crumble? ;-)
Posted by: James Corbett | October 20, 2006 at 03:46 PM