Hadyn Shaughnessy questions the Second Life hype. The blanket coverage will inevitably be followed by a backlash but just as Web 2.0 validates many of the ideas that were put on ice 5 years ago there are also fundamental reasons why Second Life, or other 3D virtual worlds, will bounce back after the fallout.
The reason I’ve been so taken in by SL is because of one simple realization - regardless of how relatively crude the graphics and interface are there is something awe inspiring about interacting with ‘lifelike’ representations of other people in a simulated reality. It’s something you can’t describe to people. They must see it for themselves. Winky yellow circular icons are cute but there's nothing like the shrug of a corporal shoulder to convey real emotion. I laughed out loud the first time an avatar did that to ‘me’.
I think the 3D controller from the upcoming Nintendo Wii will open people’s eyes as regards the control and navigation of 3D objects and environments. Wait until the hackers crack a PC interface and then Second Life will take another leap forward.
UPDATE: Stall The Ball - "It’s still like a ghost town, all I needed was some tumble weed and a low whistling noise to finish off the whole impression of sheer loneliness."
Technorati Tags: second life, 3d, virtual reality
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