Conor O'Neill finally takes the wraps (well, maybe just the ribbon) off his new business - LouderVoice. Thank goodness they've avoided the 'madey-up nonsese name' and I'm glad to see that the logo is a breath of fresh air. The site clearly adheres to trendy design principles and the business, being based around microformats, is about as Web 2.0 as it gets but it's great to see them eschewing some of the cliches right from the get-go.
Now if only he'd reveal a little more about what they're actually going to be doing.... I know, I know... patience!
Technorati Tags: loudervoice, microformats
I know I have an NDA floating around here somewhere ;-)
We expect to have the proof-of-concept prototype finished around the end of this month and then we'll start asking friendly faces to try it out. This will only be about 60% of the final functionality but it will be very usable and stable. Then I think we can start really talking about it and decide what goes into that last 40%.
Posted by: Conor O'Neill | November 07, 2006 at 09:38 PM
Oh and pay no attention to the design. That is just the default landing page for the framework we are using (TurboGears) with some of the text changed! I'm going to start talking to some designers in the next couple of weeks once I have something I can show them.
Posted by: Conor O'Neill | November 07, 2006 at 10:06 PM
D'oh, I should have realized that Conor. It was the large fonts, plentiful white background and obligatory green check mark that fooled me ;-)
Posted by: James Corbett | November 08, 2006 at 09:55 AM