#1 of 60: Wouldn't it be great if all the Irish recruitment and jobs sites provided RSS feeds for their search results? Then you could search across them all via a single interface as you already can for IrishJobs.ie, RecruitIreland.com and IrishDev.com below. You might refer to it as 'write once, search everywhere'.
Remember, you can click on the # to open the original webpage. Another interesting way to graze job offers is to click on the Launch icon at top right of the Grazr window and maximize the view, then click on the View icon next to it and change to Three Pane. [By the way, you need to access this webpage from your browser and not your feed reader or you won't see anything!]
You'll also find this search box in the Open Irish Directory (see sidebar) under the following path -
Business & Economy -> Recruitment & Jobs -> Multi-Search
Multi-Search is an individual OPML node which you're welcome to copy, modify and redistribute as you please :-)
Technorati Tags: irish, jobs, recruitement, search
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