The strength of Twitter lies in it's limitations. The fact that it facilitates 'only' concise, one-way messaging means you can't engage in conversation as with IM/SMS, or publish essays as with blogging. Instead it fosters streams of thought - particularly geographical and emotional status reports (where you are and what you're feeling).
Bernie Goldbach took a trip to Canterbury over the weekend but he didn't blog it (yet). However his Twitterings demonstrate exactly what makes this new medium so unique and fascinating. His messages are peppered with phrases like "[I'm] wishing...., [I'm] wondering..., [I'm ] enjoying..., [I'm pissed off] with paying extortionate baggage checking fees to Ryanair"!!
The public timeline displays the same - "[I'm] not having a good day, [I'm] waking up, wondering why..., [I'm] bored..., I'm freezing.... etc., etc.
None of these brain-droppings would command a full blog post, nor could they be broadcast via direct IM/SMS. Twitter seems like a unique substitute for telepathic exchange. And anyone can be Professor-X.
Technorati Tags: twitter, telepathy
I still haven't blogged about my time in Kent and that's a real shame.
Posted by: Bernie Goldbach | September 02, 2008 at 03:46 PM