Shel Israel does some consulting work for Pat Phelan at Roam4free but this is still a very cool prediction about 'one of our own' entrepreneurs -
"Pat Phelan will be named Telephony Man of 2007 for having brought low cost international calling to millions causing major carriers to stumble and fall. He will be commended in particular for opening markets to and for millions and millions of immigrant workers and emerging nation residents."
I've already told Pat I will definitely be a customer of Roam4free - yes I will actually pay good money to use his product (as I know will many of my friends and family). And there aren't too many Web 2.0 companies I can say that about! At the end of the day it's all about selling something, plain and simple.
Almost there James
Thank you so much for the kind words
final few edits on site to take place this week and then its go.
Shel's incredibly kind words are regarding a huge announcement I will make in sometime January.This will be a global method of calling
Posted by: Pat Phelan | December 13, 2006 at 03:52 PM