I don't have one of those eircom bundles that allows you make unlimited local or national calls but I'm tempted to get one after learning that Pat Phelan has now introduced AllFreeCalls to Ireland. Wow... this guy loves upsetting the incumbents!
So the phones will soon be hopping but the Irish blogs are already hopping. Which points to an object lesson in guerilla marketing for small companies. Pat really understands the power of 'citizen media', he knows how to connect to what Seth Godin calls Sneezers -
"From Seth Godin, of Unleashing the ldeavirus fame, comes the label Sneezers, which Seth claims are the heart of an ideavirus. In fact Sneezers are so important that they must be subdivided into Promiscuous sneezers and Powerful sneezers. Promiscuous sneezers are members of a hive (hub) who can be depended on to pass along ideas that appeal to them. Promiscuous sneezers can be persuaded to perform. They can be bought. And they are seldom highly regarded by opinion leaders but when promiscuous enough are very effective. Powerful sneezers on the other hand are above reproach. They can't be bought, or their power diminishes."
Of course Pat isn't 'buying' Irish bloggers with anything other than charm and a success story that involves "sticking it to the man". Regardless of where we are on the powerful/promiscuous spectrum, today we're all sneezing a collective ...... allfrecalls.ie
Inpsires an "us bloggers stick together" thought... Nice to see.
Posted by: Ken McGuire | February 09, 2007 at 11:00 AM
But with no obligation I might add... don't want that to come across as very 'clique-ish'
Posted by: Ken McGuire | February 09, 2007 at 11:01 AM
Don't these bundles offered by Eircom (and other providers including UTV) still charge for 1890 and 0818 calls? AFAIK the free calls offer only covers calls to geographic numbers (01, 049, etc).
Still, local and national calls are pretty cheap so you'll save a bundle using AllFreeCalls.
Posted by: Adrian Smith | February 09, 2007 at 11:57 AM
Posted by: Tom Raftery | February 09, 2007 at 12:36 PM
You might wanted to take something for that James, lemsip maybe, I know Eoghan only completed the site due to copious amounts of lemsip and night nurse.:-)
Thank you for the mention
Posted by: Pat Phelan | February 09, 2007 at 03:08 PM