Two weeks after St. Patrick's day Read/Write Web features a parade of Irish startups. David Lenehan of PollDaddy chooses an interesting structure for the article, categorising Pigsbacks, Statcounter and Hostelworld as old-timers. All you have to do is look at their logos for the inclusion of a giveaway .com to realize how right he is. Not that I'd mind the old-timer label if I was a stakeholder in any of these!
On the contrary Nooked, Pixenate, PutPlace and LouderVoice all rightly eschew the domain designation (AllFreeCalls being the exception due to it's .net standing). Zinadoo and MySay also get a mention. It's a pity FeedHenry and Segala were left out but I guess David couldn't include everyone.
I'm not much of a digital media producer, nor do I make many international phone calls so LouderVoice is likely to be the most useful product to me. In fact I gave it a test run a few days ago and found it a very smooth way of microformatting my review post. One bit of advice to Conor O'Neill though - hire a copy editor before sending out the Press Releases! I'm something of a geek but I still had to read his description of LouderVoice three time to fully comprehend what this meant --
"LouderVoice harnesses the distributed expertise in blogs to provide quality rated reviews for us all instead of spam, product placements and search results noise. Our site enables bloggers to publish structured reviews to their blogs and in turn aggregates structured multi-lingual review content from those blogs. Users can search for reviews, rate them, relate them and collect them in ways that are useful to themselves and others."
Yikes! ;-)
Technorati Tags: putplace, loudervoice, pixenate
Yeah you're right James, we're still working on the "compact pitch". The tagline covers most of it for most people.
Posted by: Conor O'Neill | March 30, 2007 at 02:54 PM
Hehe.... sorry about that Conor, just taking the piss! The tagline is spot on so I was just taking a poke at us geeks in general for the kind of language we use sometimes without realizing how alien it must sound to the population at large. I do it myself all the time!
Posted by: James Corbett | March 30, 2007 at 03:08 PM