Patrick Scoble that is. Or at least his father Robert has signed up for him! :-)
Thanks Patrick, we'll gladly take you up on the offer because your experiences of the last few days seem to encapsulate everything about Silicon Valley that attracts this group of Irish entrepreneurs to go on a fact-finding, geek pilgrimage in December. Recovering from his iPhone vigil your friend Thomas Hawk said -
"Camping out last night at the Palo Alto Apple store was not about an iPhone. It was about an experience. Something that I value far more than my new iPhone. "I think I've an idea what that something is, and it's the kind of magic we want to bottle up, smuggle back through customs and sprinkle on the Celtic Tiger. Anyone who can watch this video of you and Robert collecting your iPhones and not get swept up by the passion needs to get checked for an iPulse. Thomas Hawk continued -
"Hanging out with Robert and Patrick Scoble. Two of the best people you'll ever know. What an amazing experience for a father and son to have together. You should read Robert's quick recap of the event. What a great thing for a father to do with his son. Patrick was so proud to be #1 in line. They made a big deal about it when they let him into the store first. That's a memory that he'll have the rest of his life. What a great dad to make that happen."Sounds like you're one lucky guy Patrick, looking forward to meeting you and re-visiting the Apple store where it all happened.
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